Day 28 of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan

Surrounded by the Light.

Surrounded by the Light.

Day 28 of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan

“My Consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding, and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possible desire.”

These meditations and contemplations are the beginning for me. I was brought to this plan by the Holy Spirit as the outworking of a commitment I made three months ago to: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to me.”

Even though I knew better, for many years I was not putting God first in my life. As a result my current financial and my Prosperity in general looks like a plague of locusts passed over my field. There is no need for details just saying it is time to start over with with my priorities in order.

The “restoration of the years the locusts have eaten” is the promise of over abundance.

“The threshing floors are full of grain; the vats overflow with new wine and olive oil. I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten.” [see Joel 2:18-27]

I am depending on God alone for my inspiration and the will and the energy to carry out my dreams of financial independence.

Ideas on how to accomplish this have been pouring in. I have decided to use my photography skills as a high end photographer of multimillion dollar homes for sale. It is no accident I live in one of the wealthiest towns in San Diego county [it is not because I have a lot of money right now]. I am surrounded by wealth and beautiful homes. Everything is here—I need to do the work—start from scratch and put myself out there. Plow under the stubble and ruined crop [forget the past] and plant new seeds.

I am excited about this. I can see my portfolio growing and people wanting my services. The work I do blesses others and spreads happiness all around We form strong partnerships benefiting all,

My bank account is overflowing, The ‘wine and oil’ are flowing in an unending supply through me fpr the benefit of everyone.

Thank you Lord God, you are my source and abundant supply. Thank you for being in me and I in you.

My Dedication to The 40 Days of Prosperity Plan

Being Still in the Garden 2

Being Still in the Garden 2

As I was re-reading the beginning of Mr Price’s book I realized I did not copy this commitment into my journal when I started as he requested I do on the first day. Well better late than never. God’s timing is always perfect because at the beginning this wouldn’t have meant as much to me as it does now.

“This day 11/25/2014 I cease believing in visible money as my supply and my support, and I view the world of effect as it truly is…simply an out picturing of my former beliefs. I believed in the power of money, therefore I surrendered my God-given power and authority to an objectified belief. I believed in the possibility of lack, thus causing a separation in consciousness from the Source of my supply. I believed in mortal man and carnal conditions, and through this faith gave man and conditions power over me. I believed in the mortal illusion created by the collective consciousness of error thoughts, and in doing so, I have limited the Unlimited. No more! This day I renounce my so-called humanhood and claim my divine inheritance as a Be-ing of God. This day I acknowledge God and only God as my substance, my supply and my support.”

Day 27 of The 40 Day Prosperity Plan

The All Sufficiency in a Flower

The All Sufficiency in a Flower

Day 27 of The 40 Day Prosperity Plan

“The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.”

“Letting go and letting God.” This is really the only way to have peace of mind. Surrender is one of the corner stones of the spiritual path. It is difficult to learn and must be applied instantly and constantly. However complete and total surrender cannot be possible until I know who God is. Do I believe God is the the “abundant all sufficiency”? Until I see God this way surrender will be partial. But worry not (surrender) life gives us plenty of opportunity to practice.

At the outset it seems fatalistic to just give up. Such an action flies right in the face of everything the world has taught us since we were born. I was born screaming and fighting for sustenance and for many people this screaming and fighting will never end until they die. So one of the huge lessons we learn is to surrender all our needs to God. God is anthropomorphized as Mother/Father for this very reason.

With the understanding that the ideal parents are Mother/Father God I no longer need to force, fight and claw my way in any situation. Force only creates resistance, I may prevail and attain the goal but at what cost. How many people will I have to damage to get what we want? The Omniscient God is the only Life power that knows exactly how to accomplish for us without damaging anyone and in fact will arrange the accomplishment of my desires for the benefit of all concerned. Even if I think it is going “wrong” at the time, a surrendered heart will be guided to the right action.

Surrender will bring and attract to us our desires. Surrender does not mean, not doing, it means doing in Peace and Rest, full of Love and assurance that everyone’s needs and desires will be fulfilled by my accomplishing my goals. The true service of my life comes in the attainment of my goals, not at any ones expense but for the benefit of all concerned.

Surrender to the God of all sufficiency in my life lets me be free to love, and raise the level of consciousness of my project and uplift those in need of Peace and Love.

God gave me this desire and he will complete this desire for the good of all. Surrender will bring to me everyone needing to help me because I need to help them. Surrender to God will arrange the perfect scenario for everything to work out perfectly and all barriers will crumble or be changed into opportunities for the completion of my desire.

Surrender brings perfect peace of mind every step of the way. In surrender I can be grateful at all times, even when things seem to go amiss, because I know God is teaching me something—how to surrender. I can know that everything is working for the greater good.

It is done. It is finished now.

“And Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

Day 26 of the 40 day Prosperity Plan

Being Still in the Garden at SRF

Being Still in the Garden at SRF

Day 26 of the 40 day Prosperity Plan

“My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action. It is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.”

“…instantly…” This instant, right now, for this instant, at this instant all of my needs are met. Sit right where you are now and see if this isn’t so but don’t go one instant past this one. If I look to a future “instant” they are not. I can think of many, many things and the multitude of desires I have for the next instant some of which can generate a fear response. But right now ALL is well. Everything is perfect right now. Everything is in its perfect place and in Divine Order right now.

“…constantly…”This perfect instant moves without notice, seamlessly into the next. By the time I write one letter I’m already there/here right now and the same instant of provision and perfection moves right along without me noticing, most of the time, unless I’m paying attention.

The future does not exist and the past is gone. The first words of this journal entry are a remembrance of what was once written but can only be remembered now this instant.

This study is called a ‘Plan’ which pulls me along into the next instant. I am in this instant planning my next multitude of instants to be just as this one: perfect, complete, whole, without any need or unfulfilled desires. I do have things to do in the future but I cannot do anything in the future.

And so it is. I have no place to go and nothing to do but enjoy this instant constantly while in the doing of my daily life. My “future” is directed by my will at any instant into this perfection of space and time.

Space and time do not move. Time is not running out. Time is not running anywhere, it has no place to go. It is I who move across this screen of consciousness, playing my part in the perfection of my life, interacting with other players on the immoveable screen of consciousness we call space and time. All this is in perfect harmony, grace, love, beauty, joy, peace, contentment and fulfillment.

And yet I too can Stop. When I stop everything seems to move. If I am on the Merry Go Round I move, if I get off, the Merry go round moves. Be Still and know that I am God.

This is God in action, my God-self moving me along in the perfection of Divine Providence. There is no going against the flow of this river and in each instant I am exactly in the perfect harmony weather I am conscious of it or not.

This is just the way it is.

This is It’s perfection. Everything is in its perfect place at its perfect time for the fulfillment of every need and desire. I do not need to worry about anything or get upset about anything.

I can choose to rest and flow with the river or I can fight it. One choice will bring Peace and the other will bring anxiety, pain and fear.

I am at rest, there are no mistakes, God has me right where I’m supposed to be for how can I be any place but here and now.

Physical time and space are irrelevant. I am moved along by my will activated by the larger Will.

All is perfection.

Day 22 of 40 day Prosperity Plan

SRF Garden 6 2294 Orange flower getting the last rays of the sun

SRF Garden 6 2294 Orange flower getting the last rays of the sun

Day 22 of 40 day Prosperity Plan

“I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the Source and Substance of ALL my Good.”

The following quote from The Course in Miracles is my lesson for today:

Lesson 267 – My heart is beating in the peace of God

Surrounding me is all the life that God created in His Love. It calls to me in every heartbeat and in every breath; in every action and in every thought. Peace fills my heart, and floods my body with the purpose of forgiveness. Now my mind is healed, and all I need to save the world is given me. Each heartbeat brings me peace; each breath infuses me with strength. I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love, and held forever quiet and at peace within His loving arms. Each heartbeat calls His Name, and everyone is answered by His Voice, assuring me I am at home in Him.

“Let me attend Your Answer, not my own. Father, my heart is beating in the peace the Heart of Love created. It is there and only there that I can be at home.”

There is a sense of security in the idea of ‘Home’. The ideal Home is a place of belonging, welcoming, always provided for, a place of Peace and comfort and the feeling of being unconditionally loved and accepted. At home as a child I feel connected to “…the source and substance of all my good”

How this is experienced for each of us depends on the level of consciousness of the parents at the time they were raising us.

I think deep within every being is implanted the notion of “Home”. The exceptions to this ideal only proves its presence by the longings we feel in life for its fulfillment. We try in marriage to build what was lacking in our growing up and hope to gain unconditional love, Peace, acceptance, joy and goodness only to find we fall short of this feeling here as well.

Many of us came to the spiritual path looking for the fulfillment of this promise. After trying many different sources of comfort and experiencing failure we turn to God the Father/Mother of a new family.

As a friend told me about her experience in Church: “They all seemed so happy there.”

Thank you Mother/Father God for taking me in.

Day 21 of 40 day Prosperity Plan

SRF Garden 6 2288, "IN TO"

SRF Garden 6 2288, “IN TO”

Day 21 of 40 day Prosperity Plan

For those of you who have recently joined me on my Prosperity journey, this is inspired by The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price. His forty day plan involves 10 meditations repeated 4 times. These posts are the journaling he recommends we do following each days meditations.

“God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me—The Reality of me.”

On day fourteen I was contemplating our physical being and how it was made out of other things that in themselves are not our physical being. That who I am and also what everything else is, is made from trillions of things that are not us. That everything is empty of an individual self, and yet somehow this other stuff has all congealed into what we experience in the physical.

We are also mental and Spiritual beings. The physical is the lowest energetic vibration in what we ‘see’ or ‘think’ of as ‘solid’. Molecular science points out we are not solid but are made from a whole universe of space in a microcosm of constant movement. It turns out we are not solid at all.

The next level up in the ladder of consciousness is the soul level. This is made of things we do not see; mind, will and emotions. This ‘soul’ is also made of trillions of things–thoughts are ‘things’ on the mental level. to demonstrate this to yourself pay attention to your thoughts and see if you can have two thoughts occupying the same mental space at the same time. If you have spent anytime in meditation you will have discovered that one thought follows another just as cars follow each other on the freeway. You will also discover that you can go between each thought to a place of ‘no thought’.

In the physical world there are accidents when two cars try to occupy the same space but in the mind there are no accidents it is only because thought moves so fast they seem to be simultaneous. Our mental life is also made up of millions of thoughts that are not us. I am not these thoughts I’m writing today. I am not all the thoughts that flow through my mind each second. I am not what I think I am. Zen Buddhism’s “no Mind is a place free from the tyranny of thought. The place of transcendence of the mind where we can understand immediately and directly without the interpretation of thought. This place is the “….Reality of Me.”

In Christianity this is called the “Mind of Christ”, as Paul says “have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” The Spiritual Mind—The Reality of Me—is on the Spiritual level which is not the ‘me’ of the body or the mind it is the ME as created by God who individualized itself as each one of us. This Real Me is all those qualities we use to describe God in positive terms: Loving, Good, Peace, Joy, Abundance, Unlimited, All knowing, All Powerful, All Present, Light.

Meister Eckhart calls this Real Me the Aristocrat. Here are a few things he says about this Aristocrat: “He is taken up with the Love of God.” “He has forgotten the things of this temporal life and has been caught up into the likeness of God, having become a child of God. there is no higher grade, nothing beyond this. It is eternal rest and blessing–the end of the inner new man, eternal life.” God’s Son or Idea is like a flowing spring in the core of the soul.”

He starts out his essay this way: “Our Lord says in the gospel [Luke 19.12] ‘A Certain noble man went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.’ In these words our Lord teaches how noble man is by nature created and how divine, by grace, he may aspire to be. This is the point of a major part of the Holy Scripture.”

“The Reality of Me.”

Day 19 of 40 days of Prosperity

Day 19 of 40 days of Prosperity.

Ranunculus Yellow macro focus stacked

Ranunculus Yellow macro focus stacked

” When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of the Creative Energy, which is effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.”

It is. Everything is, right here right now, perfect. When Jesus said; ‘take no thought for tomorrow.’ he wasn’t necessarily talking about a literal 24 hours from now. He was talking about the tomorrow that is in the next second. Tomorrow is made up of countless future seconds. If I need not worry about the next second then the next 24 hours will certainly take care of itself.

If everything, every need is Abundantly and Divinely taken care of now, this instant, then it will continue on into the next and the next, on and on and on.

I am not blind to the issues we all face in this world, and I know that all those seeming troubles will be more easily solved through an attitude of surrender to this instant of perfection. If something is going wrong or traumatic our previous instants of surrender will have been good practice during those tough times.

Do I make plans for the future? of course I do. I also have needs and obligations to attend to. My past experience has taught me that all will go easier, smoother and lighter by surrendering this instant and the next and the next……..

As the lesson for today points out; “I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life.”

The spiritual life is one of relaxation. Here is a paraphrase from the Message of Matthew 11:28-30, Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Jesus

The proof of this in my life is that at 65 I’m still here and as I look back I can see how God has provided and protected and cared for me every step of the way. I could point out and argue about all the things that may seem negative about the past, or in the present for that matter, but that would be to easy to do. I had lessons to learn, however I’m still in the flow of Divine Perfection–old school theology calls it Divine Providence.

For a rose to produce a flower, every instant until the bloom, must be perfection. This also includes all the instants after the bloom, as the petals fall and decay to fertilize the ground to prepare the ground for the next flower. This is Perfection and Providence at work.

Blessings to all of you.

Day 18 of 40 days of Prosperity

Sunset Lovers, On the Boardwalk in Pacific Beach, CA

Sunset Lovers, On the Boardwalk in Pacific Beach, CA

Day 18 of 40 days of Prosperity

“My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of Abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.”

I can never be separated from God. Never. The realization of this truth is the beginning. I become “born again” when I know that I am not separate from God. Who or what I believe God to be will determine my experience of life because I will see God in everything. Is God angry? Then I will see an angry world and at the same time given myself permission to follow my Fathers example. I can be angry at whatever I think My Father is angry at. Is God Love? Then I will see a loving supporting and giving world. As I define love I will also be loving to that measure. Is it unconditional or conditional?

The radical Islamist who say they are killing and destroying in the name of God are convenient scapegoats, the extreme example, of all those who believe God hates such and such.

Jesus pointed out and proved by his actions, his own teaching to, “Love your enemy and do good to those who persecute you.” God has no enemies nor does he need to be defended in any way.

Is God both hate and Love? Then I will be a double minded person unable to see anything but a conflicted world. I will have Friends and enemies and as so often happens friends who become enemies. Friends I will embrace to some fashion and enemies I will kill in some fashion. Because of this viewpoint I will be in constant conflict. I may speak peace but it will not come from a peaceful heart.

Does God fight with Himself? There is no compromise here, God is one or the other, friend or foe. He is what he is before we have any reason to believe it. Before he created the universe was he Love? Did he change?

Maybe its no accident that towards the end of the Christian Bible Paul tells us that “the goal of our instruction is Love from a pure heart” (I Tim. 1,5). A Pure Heart to me means Unconditional Love. And John tells us God is Love and if we don’t Love we don’t know God.

It is the kingdom of the world which believes it is separate from God. That God is a God of hate and anger and retribution. No wonder the world is in the state it is in. Once the belief in our separation from God took hold we concluded that God hates us and wants to punish us.

Those of us who start to leave this worlds belief system carry with us the baggage of a hateful God. We will find ample proof of it in the Bible so continue to believe it is true. The Good news that Jesus came to bring is that this is not so. God is like Him and not like he is portrayed in many Old Testament passages.

Our journey to the Kingdom of God involves stripping away the old beliefs and replacing them with the God of Love, Support, Giving, Freeing, Joyous, Alive, non condemning and ever activating Life. This is our journey, the God of Love from a pure heart, the high road of Abundant Prosperity.

The Bible asks us to choose who we will serve?

The unlimited source of ALL Good or something else.

The Spirit of God in us will manifest according to our choice. We will see in the Holy Scriptures of any religion exactly what we want to see. And yes that applies to me.

Day 12 of 40 days of prosperity


Day 12 of 40 days of prosperity

” I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the source and Substance of All my Good.”

I am continually brought back to my complete dependance on the Source of my Life. This source, the Divine, God, omnipresent water of life who is ALL Good, ALL the time is the only source of everything.

This Source is not static but in constant circulation. The Divine Energy is always “moving upon the face of the deep” ocean of its infinite Goodness. It is a Divine circle just as the water of the ocean evaporates in the warmth of the sun circulating through the either and pouring down to form the rivers flowing back to the ocean.

So to this energy flows through us as money as we then give it out after it has prospered us it then prospers everyone connected to the particulars of the situation.

Just as water in the rivers and the oceans gives life to everything it touches so to does money give support and growth within the situation it is given. Money is the Good, Divine, energetic, medium given us to prosper, an easy means of energy exchange.

Just think of how much energy you spend to make money. Then with that money you can redirect that same energy into places that will benefit others who are also investing their energy into making the things you want. This is the Buddhist teaching of interdependence.

However I must remember that money is not my source it is a representation of my Source just as bread is not my source of life because “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds (flows) from the mouth of God.”

I lift up my heart and mind in gratefulness for ALL the manifestations of Divine abundance that will flow through me today.

Thank you God.

” I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the source and Substance of All my Good.”

Day 11 of 40 days of prosperity

Popotla Sunset South of Rosarito, MX

Popotla Sunset South of Rosarito, MX

Day 11 of 40 days of prosperity.

Prologue; Mr Price says that this 40 day Plan involves going thru the previous ten affirmations four times. This is very important as we need to continually reprogram our minds away from the hypnotic programming we have received since birth. This is why I continually read many Holy books over and over again and also practice what I have read as best I can. This repetition will keep us centered, looking forward to our goal of accepting our unity with God and all Goodness.

He also points out; “Since you have already received an all-sufficiency of supply (all that Infinite Mind has is yours now), you can Prove this Truth to your deeper mind by sharing your supply on a regular basis while you are working with the Plan. Giving is an esoteric science that never fails to produce results if it is done with love and joy, because the Law will shower you with a pressed down and multiplied return. But if you tithe (and I really prefer ‘sharing’ to tithing) as a mechanical and calculated method to please God, unload guilt, meet a sense of obligation and play a bartering game with the Law, no one benefits–not even the receiver. Give with love, joy and a sense of fun and the windows of heaven will be thrown open with a blast.”

Now on to today’s meditation.

Although Mr. Prices affirmations will be the same my contemplations on them will be different, In-Joy.

“God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me-the reality of me.”

Who am I? I cannot deny my own existence but somehow I don’t know who I am. The wise and holy saints and sages who have blessed us thru the ages point out to not know who I am is blindness. This “blindness” is self-imposed (with a lot of help from the world we live in). A while back I did a simple exercise, to write down all the phrases describing who I am: I am David, I am a son, I am a father, I am a caregiver, I am a husband, I am divorced, I am hungry….on and on and on with all the things that came to mind as the ways I identify myself until I could think of no more adjectives. I was left with the simple statement, I am.

Our entry into this world has blinded us to this essential fact of our existence.

At the root of everything that I think that defines me “I am” is the foundation. This of course echos the famous answer God gave to Moses when he was asked “Who should I say sent me?” “I am that I am” was Gods reply. This is no accidental definition or accidental similarity.

We are as God created us, Like God created us in every way. In Gods Image and Likeness. And Like God the Real us is incorruptible and in complete communication at all times with the Oneness of our Father Creator. And like all earthly fathers who give us their names God has given us His name. “I am.”

Every enlightened master I have read has said as much about themselves and about the rest of the human race. Jesus says; “Don’t you know that you are gods?” and “You are the Light of the world.”

Watching my thoughts throughout the day I have discovered that the ‘I am…” is the most repeated two words–or variations of–in my vocabulary. Pay attention to your conversation today and see if it isn’t so. Every ‘I’ statement is a recognition of this basic fact of our Oneness with God, the “I am that I am.” I am hungry.; I am going shopping.; I am going to the bathroom…..; on and on and on. The ‘I am’ is doing this, all of this.

So how about adding one more description; I am One with the Lavish God, unfailing Abundance, the rich Omnipresent substance of the universe. I am One with this All-providing Source of infinite of prosperity. I am the individualized Reality of God as me. In me and thru me.

“God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me-the reality of me.”