None of these

Poinsettia Seed Pods at the Balboa Park Botanical Gardens

Poinsettia Seed Pods at the Balboa Park Botanical Gardens

None of These

God is my source. Following is a random, flow of consciousness, sources for all my income:

Job, photography, art work, parents, family, strangers, finding money on the street, church, tithing, especially tithing as a bribe to force God to supply my needs, housemate, gifts, computer art sales, websites, auto accidents, refunds, bank accounts, luck, money falling from the sky, clients, future clients, begging, pleading, groveling, selling everything, entering a monastery so I will be taken care of, girlfriend, inheritance, ex’s, unexpected income, being a good person so God will reward me with an abundant supply of wealth (trying to bribe God), not spending, not tithing, credit, stealing, struggling, working hard, sacrifice, making this list, spiritually letting go of everything, surrendering to God so I will get wealthy, giving money to strangers, gratitude, anger, doing what I love,….

This is an exercise of listing all the possible ways I have tried to get money to coerce God into providing my needs. Some I have done some are thoughts or daydreams, some are ways I have read that will “work” to bring abundance to me,

This exercise is just an illustration to show me to “seek only God first” and all these things will be added to me.

A silly exercise in surrender just to give all my feeble ideas over to God. This is not to say I shouldn’t do some of these things on the list, it is just a reminder that the things I do are not my source. Also the things I don’t do are not my source either.

This is an illustration about flowing with the river of life. Trusting in God alone to meet my needs and not attempting to coerce the Giver of Life.

I am a unique, special individualization of God



“I am a unique, special individualization of God, and my whole purpose for being is to be a vehicle, a channel, for the expression of my inner self….Remember I am here for one purpose only, and that is to find my way back to the Father’s house—to be the True Self-expression of the infinite.” The Superbeings

Yes back to the basics, the foundation of my life and Spiritual practice—”to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to me.” Jesus

There is no reason to be concerned about anything or how things will turn out. Even though I have ideas of how my life will unfold I must surrender ALL of them. That is what Jesus meant when he says; “all these things will be given to me.” Maybe they will come to me just as I planed and maybe not, who knows? “This or something better,” as the saying goes.

What I hear in this saying of Jesus is to picture how I want my life to go, how I want things to be, write it out in as much detail as I can imagine, desire it and own it in my mind’s eye—then Surrender the whole basket of good I can see, to God—give it up, let it go, and flow with life without a care in the world. Trust God completely in all things and for all things. I do those things put in front of me each day and be open to new inspiration and new direction with a surrendered heart and a clear mind trusting completely in God. No worries, no fears, not trying to force anything and in Peace and Joy look forward to “all these things being added to me.”

I walk thru life confidently and at Peace in the knowledge of the complete provision from God in every area of my life.

The source of my very life is God. There is no Life in my body, it is only a container energized by the Holy Spirit. This inner life is Perfect, Whole and Complete lacking in nothing.

To borrow from the Eagles:

I get a peaceful easy feeling whenever you are around because I know I’m already standing on Holy Ground.

I get this feeling that I know you as a lover and a friend, I hear this voice whisper in my other ear, I’m standing on Holy Ground.

Day 40 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

Not for us because of us, to prove life never ends.

Not for us because of us, to prove life never ends.

Day 40 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

Well I made it. At the beginning I had my doubts about committing publicly to doing this 40 day prosperity plan however as it turns out it was my thoughts of you, my readers, that has kept me going until the end. So thank you for participating with me and joining my journey in exploring new thoughts of creativity and prosperity. Your likes and followings have kept me encouraged along the way. This is not the end of course but a beginning in the continued application of what I have learned until I have reached full mastery of the topics covered in theses past forty days. As one follower reminded me in her blog we are on the path from “Glory to Glory.”

” I keep my mind and thoughts off “this world” and I place my entire focus on God within as the only cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.”

“…my entire focus on God within…” The Spiritual path requires nothing short of complete capitulation to God. Every religious tradition I’ve read agrees on this point. Total, unequivocal, surrender.

On this last formal day of working the Plan each morning, it is right to know, this past 40 days is just the beginning. What I have learned is, this is a continual process of dedication to God alone and constant observation of ALL that is right in my world now.

How I see my world and how I see God are the same. The God I surrender to is the one of Love and only Love. The God who “requires mercy and not sacrifice.” The God who says “cast your cares on me because I care for you.” She is the constant provider of ALL Grace, Truth, Joy, Peace, Comfort, Guidance, Abundance, All under the heading of Love.

“…the stern, condemning, dictator-God fell from the sky along with his big black book listing our sins and shortcomings. The man-made god was dead, and in its place was the Universal Reality of love that had been present with us, in us, and as us from the beginning.” from, The Superbeings.

Choose this day whom you will serve, the worlds god of poverty, condemnation, sin and death or the God of Abundance, Forgiveness and Life.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10.10

The God I see wants to show me everything that is right with me, every good thing in me and my world. All of the things that are lovely, beautiful, good and true. The constant splendor of overflowing abundance right here in front of my face. This God wants to open my eyes to see the Kingdom of God paved with streets of gold and verdant pastures and the tree of Life. This and an infinite variety of Good is All that is Real and is in me and through me, surrounds me and is me. I am a Son of God, God expressing herself here and now.

Again thanks and blessings to all of you. I shall be gone for a couple of days to Mexico for a photo shoot. I’ll post again when I get back.


Day 39 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan



Day 39 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

“When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that Creative Energy, which is continuously, easily, and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.”

“What is right with you?”

“You should acknowledge what is right with you everyday and the good will grow.” both quotes from; Superbeings by John Randolph Price.

What is right with me is everything right here and right now. There is nothing wrong with me.

” I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment.” YES.

So much of these past 38 days—I’m counting yesterday because yesterday was the breakthrough—were spent in focusing on what I thought was wrong in my life and that those things outside needed to be changed. But no. Nothing outside of me needs to be changed—my total fulfillment has always been and is always with me. I am right now standing in the presence of ALL Mighty greatness. I am innundated by the tsunami of Love. There is nothing else I need.

“What is right with me?” Absolutely everything. Even the things I think are “wrong” with me are right with me. I can completely relax in this ocean of Abundance. Everything that I need and want are here now.

Thank you God—no worries, no fears, no tension, no stress. Do I want it? Well go get it.

Yes it is Gratefulness that has opened my eyes to see the Abundance of riches available in the Kingdom of God. God’s timing is always perfect. Being in the flow is knowing that when something is needed it will be there at the right time and place in the perfection that is God.

The Abundance of everything.

Thank you God.

Day 38 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

Blessings raining down upon us

Blessings raining down upon us

Day 38 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

“My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.”

Today is a day to be thankful. As I look around and see everything that God has provided it is amazing. All the good that has come my way throughout my life and all the good that is constantly here—well what more could I possibly want. Every single thing that I could possibly need is at my fingertips right now: wonderful people, love, joy, happiness, and food and clothes, and money, and my car, this beautiful view, the dog, computers, cameras, work, church, on and on—I am living the abundant life right now. Children, friends, stores, movies, opportunities galore—it is like I’m a kid walking through the candy store choosing whatever I want.

My God who is my unlimited source. The Spirit of God constantly filling my heart with all good things shows me I have been standing in the the lavish presence of the ALL Good God non-stop all my life. Everything has been given to me that I truly wanted and it makes no differnece whether I call it good or bad. I have asked and it was given. I am surrounded by Greatness, successful pulsating life.

This is the consciousness of Spirit within me and all around me.

Thank you God, Thank you Life, Thank you Spirit, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Buddha and Krishna and All of my teachers who are to numerous to mention in the world and out of this world.

I AM surrounded by unspeakable wealth and goodness.

Thank you, all of you who follow and read this blog and for the blogs I read that enrich my life each day. You are an example and a blessing to me.

“This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.”

Blessings and love to you all.

Day 37 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

Old Burnt Tree 1

Old Burnt Tree 1

Day 37 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

“The Divine consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting God appear as the Abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs.”

Mr Price points out in another of his books, Superbeings; he is talking here about a listening attitude, “(‘…you are totally receptive to the clear message of Divine Mind…’)—and a listening attitude can work wonders in your life. The key thought that came forth from within went something like this: ‘Claim your good. Speak the word for your good. Then care not if your good ever comes to pass.‘… But caring which is another word for worry and concern, was actually diverting the power flow.” pg xxii [underline mine]

This is so opposite to how I was raised and the attitude of the thought system of the world which thinks: caring, is different from worrying and fearing, but they are actually the same. ‘Caring’ does not equal love but is a thin disguise for its opposite. To know that my care for someone is actually diverting their and my good. The highest form of care then is to surrender all cares to the Love of God and not get in the way by setting my own agenda of how I think things should turn out.

Surrender is in fact the cornerstone of the Spiritual Life. Everything without exception must eventually be surrendered to God. This is one meaning of Jesus’ statement; “He who looses his life shall find it.” This is the “stone” that people so often stumble over—surrendering my life in its entirety to God.

In my profession as a “caregiver” I found I so often had ideas of how things should go to help people lives be easier and yet I often met with resistance. I found I must surrender my ideas of outcomes and allow the situation to unfold and be available without any agenda.

I did find that being a caregiver was a life of constant surrender to God and allowing God to work in the situation for the best of all concerned. I did find that going into a situation with a surrendered attitude everything went much smoother than the times I tried to make things work according to my time and plan.

“Cast ALL your cares on God for he cares for you.” Total Surrender.

Day 36 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan

Eel grass 3

Eel grass 3

Day 36 of the 40-Day Prosperity Plan.

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action. it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.”

“My inner supply…” it is important for me to remember as Jesus did, “of my self I can do nothing it is the Father in me who does the works. “My inner supply” is the Father working thru my Christ center that is doing the fulfilling of my needs and desires. One of the easiest mistakes to make is not recognizing the immanence of the Father. It is an important balance to keep between the transcendence and the immanence of God. Concentrating on one over the other will lead to poverty of Spirit.

With God everything is immediate perfect Love and there is nothing lacking. Everything is perfect right now according to the purpose of the Divine Plan. This Plan is the uniting of me and the whole human race with the Divine.

God is all there is and knowing, I know that I am one with all there is–in this consciousness everything is provided now. I have no worries or cares, no lack and no fear. Everything is working out for my best and the best of all those people and beings surrounding me.

I surrender to God within, my inner supply of all good. I am feeling Good because God is Good, therefore when I am feeling Good I am feeling God. Everything is in perfect order no matter how it appears to my mortal eyes. My Spiritual sight sees only perfection beyond my likes and dislikes, my petty thoughts of how I think things should be, looking to the perfection of Divine order and provision right now.

Everything is perfect and in Divine Harmony, it cannot be otherwise in God. There is nothing else but God and her Wisdom, Love, Provision and Protection, all lavishly bestowed in Grace, Peace, Freedom and Love.

Thank you Mother/Father God. I am grateful for all your blessings today.

Day 35 of The 40-Day Prosperity Plan

Eel Grass 2

Eel Grass 2

Day 35 of The 40-Day Prosperity Plan

“Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding and knowledge of the All-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore my supply is unlimited.”

How I interpret outward circumstances is my clue to understanding my consciousness. Facts themselves are just facts. The number 4 is neither good or bad, it is just a fact. Four oranges are just four oranges, it is neither good nor bad. If you hate oranges and that is all you have to eat are four oranges good, bad or tolerable? Yes it is our thinking (consciousness) that make it so.

Outward circumstances: abundance or lack of money, persons, places or conditions are just the facts of the moment. Four dollars in my bank account is what ever I make it to be is the same as four hundred thousand, both amounts can be perceived as meeting my needs or not enough. It has been pointed out that there are extremely wealth people who never have enough.

Switching to a higher level of consciousness, outward conditions are not my supply. God is my supply and the substance of God is already supplied to me. There is no lack in God, no limitation whatsoever and it is all around and in me. God always gives in full measure and we continually receive in this moment everything we need.

I see buckets of good in unending quantity full of everything I need for the accomplishment of my desires. God is the source. God is the activity of my Divine Mind working in and through me for the benefit of all concerned.

This is my awareness, understanding and knowledge. I know that my redeemer lives and is living in me.

This is the fact above all appearances. There is nothing I can do about a fact. I can adjust my thinking to this fact, accept it and use it or not. Whether I eat the oranges or not makes no difference, I can be full or go hungry. As for me I will be full and Live in this abundance.

Day 34 of The 40-Day Prosperity Plan

Eel Grass 1

Eel Grass 1

Day 34 of The 40-Day Prosperity Plan

“Through my consciousness of my God-Self, the Christ within, as my source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply.”

To feel the joy of Abundant Supply, what is it like? Every time I get paid there is a big “Yes” in my spirit and a big “Thank you” in my soul. The reward and acknowledgment of a job well done and a sense of satisfaction and release from the sense of “not enoughness” that haunts me between paydays. Also the feeling of well being I get when I’m able to give to others in whatever proportion I am able.

There has been many times lately when money has come in from unexpected places. Also the supply of people willing to help me train for my new career, literally opening their doors so I can photograph their homes and create the portfolio I need so I can demonstrate my work to those who can use my services.

I see it and feel it coming together. Today I’ll be depositing a check—paid in advance—for two works of art framed and mounted. This is the feeling of excitement and fulfillment I need to keep in the forefront and feel all the time whether I have money or not because money is not my supply, it is the demonstration of my supply, which is the Presence of God within me.

God is my supply and feeling Good is feeling God because God is Good. God never leaves me and is constantly giving me everything I need for the fulfillment of my life’s purpose.

I am free of all worry, fear, lack and pain because I am constantly aware of my source.

This freedom is a great feeling—the feeling of a carefree life. The joy of running through a field of flowers with my arms upraised in praise and thanksgiving and singing a song of Joy.

I have come to the end of my poverty thinking. I’ve used up my quota of the lies of this world [see the movie Flight]. The Truth of Gods abundant Love, Grace, and Supply are my inheritance as Gods son.

YES. Thank you Lord.

Day 33 of The 40-Day Prosperity Plan


Day 33 of The 40-Day Prosperity Plan.

“I am Conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this mind of infinite prosperity. Therefore my consciousnesses is filled with the Light of Truth.”

To be mindful—have my mind full of the Inner Presence to be constantly aware of God in my life, of the Holy Spirit: the Teacher, the Comforter, the Healer, the Provider that is already in me and who wants to work through me. This Spirit wants to and is guiding my desires for the fulfillment of my life. My life is a blessing to me and a blessing to others. A blessing to me so I can give what I have been given.

This “constant activity” is propelling me on and providing encouragement, for it is courage I need to step out and move forward into my dreams, knowing I am not alone in my endeavors because God is not only working in my life but also in the lives of others who can benefit from my life and the services I have to offer.

This Infinite Mind—Infinite Creativity—will have no problems helping me to create my life the way I want it. There is a passage in the New Testament: Philippians 2.13for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.Those things I want to do, are a blessing to others, placed in me by God according to the talents he has given me. This is the will/desire part then the “to Do” part, the manifesting, bringing into the world that which has been willed by God and me. God’s will is always Good and a blessing for everyone.

Thank you, God.