Day 28 of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan

Surrounded by the Light.

Surrounded by the Light.

Day 28 of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan

“My Consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding, and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possible desire.”

These meditations and contemplations are the beginning for me. I was brought to this plan by the Holy Spirit as the outworking of a commitment I made three months ago to: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to me.”

Even though I knew better, for many years I was not putting God first in my life. As a result my current financial and my Prosperity in general looks like a plague of locusts passed over my field. There is no need for details just saying it is time to start over with with my priorities in order.

The “restoration of the years the locusts have eaten” is the promise of over abundance.

“The threshing floors are full of grain; the vats overflow with new wine and olive oil. I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten.” [see Joel 2:18-27]

I am depending on God alone for my inspiration and the will and the energy to carry out my dreams of financial independence.

Ideas on how to accomplish this have been pouring in. I have decided to use my photography skills as a high end photographer of multimillion dollar homes for sale. It is no accident I live in one of the wealthiest towns in San Diego county [it is not because I have a lot of money right now]. I am surrounded by wealth and beautiful homes. Everything is here—I need to do the work—start from scratch and put myself out there. Plow under the stubble and ruined crop [forget the past] and plant new seeds.

I am excited about this. I can see my portfolio growing and people wanting my services. The work I do blesses others and spreads happiness all around We form strong partnerships benefiting all,

My bank account is overflowing, The ‘wine and oil’ are flowing in an unending supply through me fpr the benefit of everyone.

Thank you Lord God, you are my source and abundant supply. Thank you for being in me and I in you.

Day 24 of the 40 Days of Prosperity Plan

The unfolding of Consciousness

The unfolding of Consciousness

Day 24 of the 40 Days of Prosperity Plan

“Through my consciousness of my God-Self, the Christ within, as my source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply.”

Communication is only possible with things on the same frequency. In this age we are inundated with devices that can tune into a multitude of channels that have their own unique frequency or address. To avoid confusion we only listen to one at a time.

And it is the same with people. True communication will only happen if both people are on the same frequency. The language may be the same but if the consciousness of the participants are not in tune no communication is possible. Relationships will not last long if this is the issue.

For us to communicate with God there must be something in us capable of tuning into God’s channel, a built in receiver. This receiver is my God-Self, the Christ within. God is Spirit and only Spirit can communicate with Spirit. There is no interference with this signal at the Christ level, it is pure and clean and Holy. The interference happens when it begins to filter through the more dense layers of mind and body. If the Christ Consciousness did not already infuse Mind and body nothing would get through.

When Mr. Price says; “I draw into my mind and feeling nature [body] the very substance of Spirit,” He is talking about the process enervated by my desire to turn up the volume of my receiver so the Substance of Spirit can be heard clearly, first in my Mind then in my body/mind as feeling. Thought will always precede feeling.

A friend of mine who is an audio perfectionist and ownes all the best audio equipment money can buy told me the speakers were the most important part of his system. Then he proceeded to demonstrate this in his acoustically balanced room. Well I was amazed. I heard things in familiar songs I had never heard before.

Our journey as spiritual aspirants is to become consciousness perfectionists. The signal from God is constantly being broadcast and my Spirit is constantly receiving it. My only responsibility is to clear all interference out of the system.

“He who has ears to hear let him hear.”

Day 12 of 40 days of prosperity


Day 12 of 40 days of prosperity

” I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the source and Substance of All my Good.”

I am continually brought back to my complete dependance on the Source of my Life. This source, the Divine, God, omnipresent water of life who is ALL Good, ALL the time is the only source of everything.

This Source is not static but in constant circulation. The Divine Energy is always “moving upon the face of the deep” ocean of its infinite Goodness. It is a Divine circle just as the water of the ocean evaporates in the warmth of the sun circulating through the either and pouring down to form the rivers flowing back to the ocean.

So to this energy flows through us as money as we then give it out after it has prospered us it then prospers everyone connected to the particulars of the situation.

Just as water in the rivers and the oceans gives life to everything it touches so to does money give support and growth within the situation it is given. Money is the Good, Divine, energetic, medium given us to prosper, an easy means of energy exchange.

Just think of how much energy you spend to make money. Then with that money you can redirect that same energy into places that will benefit others who are also investing their energy into making the things you want. This is the Buddhist teaching of interdependence.

However I must remember that money is not my source it is a representation of my Source just as bread is not my source of life because “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds (flows) from the mouth of God.”

I lift up my heart and mind in gratefulness for ALL the manifestations of Divine abundance that will flow through me today.

Thank you God.

” I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the source and Substance of All my Good.”

Day 10 of 40 days of prosperity

Water Lily and Koi, SRF Garden in Encinitas, CA

Water Lily and Koi, SRF Garden in Encinitas, CA

Day 10 of 40 days of prosperity

“I keep my mind and thoughts off “this world” and I place my entire focus on God within as the only cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.”

What attracted me to Mr. Prices approach to prosperity is his emphasis on God alone as the source of all abundance and that this abundant source is actually in me.

It is easier to accept that the omnipresent is present everywhere in the universe than it is to accept the fact that Gods presence is in me. But if this omnipresence dose not include me then God would not be omnipresent, there would be a hole in the universe where God does not exist. If it is possible for me to be excluded then there are billions of others in the same predicament. Gods so called omnipresence would be like Swiss Cheese. Full of holes and smelly.

Fortunately for the entire human race Gods omnipresence is like a breath of fresh air which surrounds us and is our very life. Air wouldn’t do much good if it stayed outside of us. It touches me all over inside and out. This oxygen is so important that without it I would end up very quickly in the next phase of my spiritual growth. This wind, this breath of God, this invigorating and energizing power surrounds me and permeates my whole being to a greater and more perfect extant than the air surrounding us. This is the Holy Spirit the giver and sustainer of life of which our physical air is but a mere shadow.

This God in me is the only cause of my prosperity and I depend on it for my very Life.

This Life wants to give me the kingdom. In this Kingdom there is no poverty only Abundance and I can have as much as I want, to accomplish all my desires for the enrichment of myself and the rest of humanity.

Abundance is designed to flow thru me as the energetic power of God just as air moves in and out through all the pours of my body.

“I keep my mind and thoughts off “this world” and I place my entire focus on God within as the only cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.”

Day 9 of 40 days of Prosperity

More of the Abundance of God

More of the Abundance of God

Day 9 of 40 days of Prosperity.

“When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that creative Energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.”

When I was a part of fundamental Christianity I did believe Jesus was in me thru the Holy Spirit and that God was personal–however I always thought this indwelling was separate and conditional. That the Holy Spirit would leave me if I didn’t behave “right”. I believed the ‘real’ me was the sinful body of death and had no part of God connected with it. The difference now is this thought has been turned right-side up. The Real Me is the one God created and God creates everything perfect and like God cannot be changed, is still in the image and likeness of my creator.

That which is covering up the light, the sinful body of death, is the basket that Jesus speaks of when he says; no one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket. It is this Light that is the God Self within me and not just me but ALL the human race and that is my total fulfillment.

God is everything I need and because God gives without restrictions, without holding back in anyway or for any reason.

I have “the knowledge that the Divine Activity of Abundance” is flowing thru me as me. I am one individual expression of the infinite Mind of God whos Holy Spirit is now working thru me.

I can relax and surrender in this knowledge. I walk thru this day in gratefulness and joy and abundance and peace and Love and righteousness. The kingdom of God is in me and surrounds me and radiates to everyone around me in Light.

“When I am aware of the God-Self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that creative Energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.”

Day 7 of 40 days of Prosperity.

This was taken at the SRF garden in Encinitas CA

This was taken at the SRF garden in Encinitas CA

Day 7 of 40 days of Prosperity.

“The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting God appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs.”

Once I understand who God really is via the life and teachings of Jesus–his one purpose is to correct our perception of God the Father: That God does not hate us and only wants to give us Himself; dis-spell us of our dream that we are now or ever were, separate from this abundant, creative, Life of the universe.

When Jesus prayed we are to be one with the Father as he is one with the Father we become the answer to that prayer once the spell of separation is broken.

The lie of the ego/sin nature self is that God wants to “rob, kill and destroy us.” Jesus points out in John 10.10 that it is only a “thief” (ego/sin nature) who wants to do this but we think it is our “real” self and in fear project it onto God making us afraid of God. In doing so this thief has robbed us of our true connection, our oneness with God because we believe this lie. Let the spell be broken.

As pointed out in previous meditations (here and here) God does only ONE thing–give. Jesus as Gods representative tells us he came so everyone, not a chosen few would have life and have it abundantly.

Abundance in life, however I envision it, will be given to me. The question I need to answer is; is God a thief who wants to impoverish me or is God a generous, life affirming God, who wants us to have an Abundant Life? There is no compromise between the two. Because what agreement can darkness have with Light or a lie with the Truth?

“The Divine Consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting God appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs.”

Day 6 of the 40 days of prosperity.

The War Memorial on Mt. Soledad in LaJolla, CA #2 HDR Panorama

The War Memorial on Mt. Soledad in LaJolla, CA #2 HDR Panorama

Day 6 of the 40 days of prosperity.

“My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.”

What are my needs and desires? When I use the simple question; “What is this for?” and keep asking it until I reach to the very root of my desire the end result is that this object I believe will make me happy in some way by fulfilling its designed purpose. And yet I have found that the happiness I received was transitory and soon faded. After this happens enough times the disappointment pushes me to find a happiness that is more permanent.

As was shown to me earlier switching my priorities from things first to God first I can start with the things of the Kingdom of God which are Righteousness and Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit and from that foundation happiness will already be in me before the material things arrive.

A person at Peace,experiencing Joy and living rightly (righteousness) is a natural attractor of ALL good things. I become a magnate that attracts the good I desire NOW. from my inner pre-condition of love I live and move and have my being.

I am a magnet for all the good I desire and am attracting everything needed for my rich abundance to me manifested now. This flows from the Kingdom of God that is in me today. In Gods Kingdom time and space do not exist and this is where my true self lives. I now join with others in the mutual outpouring for the benefit of all.

As I give from my abundance I join with others giving from their abundance in a tidal wave of Life, Love, Peace and Supply of all needs met now. In Peace I surrender to you Lord to walk in Love and gratefulness.

My lesson for today from ACIM fit very well:

Lesson 251

I am in need of nothing but the truth.

I sought for many things, and found despair. Now do I seek but one, for in that one is all I need, and only what I need. All that I sought before I needed not, and did not even want. My only need I did not recognize. But now I see that I need only truth. In that all needs are satisfied, all cravings end, all hopes are finally fulfilled and dreams are gone. Now have I everything that I could need. Now have I everything that I could want. And now at last I find myself at peace.

And for that peace, our Father, we give thanks. What we denied ourselves You have restored, and only that is what we really want.

“My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.”

Check out more of my art an my two websites; Lightrays-Photography and RedBubble

Peace, Blessings and Abundance to you all.

God’s giving without measure


God only does one thing-Give and his giving is always without measure, totally and completely ALL of itself ALL the time. The Spirit of God in us gives without restraint and never partially. This totality is available ALL the time never waivers and never changes in any way for any reason. Gods giving is total Love and completely Good ever abundant for our rich supply. Our place is to receive and give as much as we want without coercion or guilt but in Joy and Gratefulness.

“God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. This ALL-Providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me-the Reality of me.” John Randolph Price.

I am a center in the Divine Mind

The Center

The Center

“I am a center in Divine Mind, a point of God conscious Life, Truth and Action. My Affairs are Divinely guided and guarded into right action, into correct results. Everything I do, say or think is stimulated by the Truth. There is perfect and continuous right action in my life and affairs. All belief in wrong action is dispelled and made negative. Right action alone has power and right action is power and Power is God…the Living Spirit Almighty. This Spirit animates everything I do say or think. Ideas come to me daily and these ideas are Divine ideas. They direct me and sustain me without effort. I am continuously directed. I am compelled to do the right thing at the right time, to say the right word at the right time, to follow the right course at all times.

All suggestion of age, poverty, limitation or unhappiness is uprooted from my mind and cannot gain entrance to my thought. I am happy, well and fulfilled with perfect life. I live in the Spirit of Truth and am conscious that the Spirit of Truth lives in me. My word is the Law unto its own manifestation, and will bring to me or cause me to be brought to its fulfillment. There is no unbelief, no doubt, no uncertainty. I know and I know that I know. Let every thought of doubt vanish from my mind that I may know the Truth and the Truth may make me free.”

Science of Mind; by Earnest Holmes

Spiritual Growth, A Metaphor


Proverbs 27.19 “You see your face in a mirror and your thoughts in the minds of others.”

James 1.23 “If you hear the message and don’t obey it, you are like people who stare at themselves in a mirror

1 Corinthians 13.12 “Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. We don’t know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understands us.”

Spiritual growth is like standing in front of a mirror with a giant spotlight directly in back of me, like one of those used at grand openings that illuminate the sky. It is shining directly at the mirror and is so bright I can not look at the light or its reflection in the mirror. In order for me to stand in front of the mirror I must get as close to it as possible with my nose touching the glass. But still light is leaking around me especially my head and I must put on sunglasses to tolerate the light. I find one pair of sunglasses will not do so I add layer upon layer of dark plastic until I can tolerate the light. My eyes will naturally adjust and once I get comfortable I am able to live there in what I think of as light but really it is still dim darkness. After a while I get used to the intensity of the light and feel comfortable enough to peel off a layer of dark plastic this causes somewhat of a discomfort but it is tolerable. This is done over and over until all the plastic is removed and I can actually remove the sunglasses. However my nose is still up against the mirror. Now as my eyes adjust to the brilliance leaking around my head I begin to see my face clearly but not my entire body. As the desire grows to see all of me I take my first step backwards toward the light. I know to turn around would blind me but my goal is to see in the light so I keep moving. As I back closer and closer to the source of light I see more and more of my reflection in the mirror but a strange thing begins to happen, the farther I get from the mirror I begin to disappear into the light. The light is surrounding me, swallowing me, enveloping me until eventually all I can see is the light and I have disappeared. And yet I know I am still me. I have disappeared and yet still here. “You are the light of the world.” Jesus, Matthew 5.14